BLC Youth Ministry

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Speakers of the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering

Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber

   Rev. Nadia is the founding pastor of House for Sinners and Saints in Denver, Co. She is the author of “Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television” and blogs at and Jim Wallis’ . Her writings can be found in the Christian Century, The Lutheran magazine and Nobody can really believe she’s an ordained pastor in the ELCA. Maybe its the sleeve tattoos or the fact that she swears like a truck driver. Either way . . . she’s fine with it. Nadia lives in Denver with her family of four where she can be found writing bios in the third person. and chasing chickens around the backyard with her kids.

To see what Rev. Nadia had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering Click on this link.

Shane Claiborne

   Shane will speak to the risks of Practicing Discipleship. Shane is the co-founder of the Simple Way, a faith community in the inner-city Philadelphia that has helped to birth and connect radical faith communities around the world. His ministry experience is varied, from a 10 week stint working alongside Mother Theresa in Calcutta to a year spent serving a wealthy mega-congregation called Willow Creek Community Church outside of Chicago. Shane  is the author of several books including “The Irresistible Revolution”,”Jesus for President” and Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers.”

To See what Shane had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Diane Latiker

   Amid rampant gang violence in a Chicago South Side neighborhood, a grandmother has an open door policy. Roseland resident Diane Latiker, 54, started a nonprofit community with 10 kids in her living room in 2003. The program, Kids Off The Block, has grown to become a successful mentoring site and haven for Chicago’s youth, serving 300 kids last year and well over 1500 since its inception. Latiker, who has eight kids and 13 grandkids of her own, was recognized as a Top Ten 2011 CNN Hero.

To See what Diane had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Leymah Gbowee

   2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian peace activist, trained social worker and women’s rights advocate. She is the founder and president of the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa, head of the Liberia Reconciliation Initiative and co-founder and executive director of Women Peace and Security Network Africa. Gbowee’s leadership of the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace – which brought together Christian and Muslim women in a nonviolent movement that played a pivotal role in ending Liberia’s civil war in 2003 – is chronicled in her memoir, “Might Be Our Powers,” and in the documentary, “Pray the Devil Back to Hell.” In addition, Gbowee is the Newsweek Daily Beast’s Africa columnist.

To See what Leymah had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Jamie Nabozny

   Nabozny suffered severe harassment at the hands of his classmates, while his school administrators did nothing to protect him. Jamie sued his school for failing to stop the abuse and won a landmark case that established for the first time that all students have a right to be safe in school. The Southern Poverty Law Center made Jamie’s story into a documentary called “Bullied.”

To See what Jamie had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Rev. Yehiel Curry

Rev. Yehiel is a servant. He has provided mental health counseling to youth and adults with a concentration on the impact of drugs, violence, and poverty on communities. His dedication to his church and obedience to the will of God led him to serve as a lay Mission Developer/Pastor of Shekinah Chapel Lutheran Church in Riverdale, Ill. in 2007. He also lives out his call as camp director for Safe In My Brother’s Arms Camp, Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation and Riverdale Organized for Change. Rev. Yehiel is married to Lashonda Curry, and they have three daughters, Shemiah 18, Ashirah 15 and Shekinah 14.

To See what Rev. Yehiel had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Bishop Mark Hanson

The Rev. Mark Hanson is presiding bishop of the ELCA. Originally from Minneapolis and a life-long Lutheran, Bishop Hanson was educated at Augsburg College, Union Theological Seminary and Harvard Divinity School. Prior to his election as bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod in 1995 and as presiding bishop in 2001, he served congregations in Minnesota for over 20 years. Bishop Hanson is the author of “Faithful Yet Changing: The Church in Challenging Times.”

To See what Bishop Hanson had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Valerie Rivas & Megan Stubbs

Valerie Rivas is an adventurous and fun-loving gal from Texas. She is currently studying to become a physician’s assistant and feels called to serve those who do not have access to adequate health care. Valerie participated in a year of service in South Africa with the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission Program (2010-2011).

Megan Stubbs is an 18-year-old student and has lived in Tanzania for the past six years where she has been sharing in music ministry with her parents who are ELCA missionaries. She enjoys playing the cello, singing, drumming, and participating in African dance. She also tutors young Tanzanians in English and math and helps her mother with the youth music program. She especially enjoys the Tanzanian culture and people and considers Tanzania her home.

To see what Valerie and Megan had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

Bishop Michael Rinehart

   Bishop Mike is the bishop of Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the ELCA. Bishop Mike enjoys working with many gifted pastors and committed people of faith who are dedicated to creating communities that make disciples in Jesus’ name. Over the past few years, Bishop Mike has been devoted to helping congregations get back on their feet after devastating hurricanes in New Orleans and the surrounding areas.

To see what Bishop Rinehart had to say to the Youth of the 2012 Youth Gathering click on this link.

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